Arduino Uno/MEGA Programming Cable Arduino Programming Cable

Arduino Uno/MEGA Programming Cable

Rs. 35.00 Rs. 22.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts Communication Cables Development Boards Featured Products IoT Project - Air Quality Monitoring using Arduino Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Power Wires and Cables
This is the standard USB Type-A to USB Type-B Arduino Programming cable that could be used to program Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA or Arduino DUE boards....
Arduino Nano Cable Arduino Nano Cable (Blue/Black)

Arduino Nano Cable (Blue/Black)

Rs. 31.00 Rs. 21.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Communication Cables Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Power Wires and Cables
This is the standard USB Type-A to USB Mini Type-B Arduino Programming cable that could be used to program Arduino Nano boards. It is needed to establish communication between...
Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04

Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04

Rs. 66.00 Rs. 51.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Distance Sensors Featured Products Latest Products Modules Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Sensors
The Ultrasonic Sensor uses Ultrasonic waves to determine the distance of an object like Bats, hence it can be used as a distance measuring...
Dual Shaft DC Geared Motor DC Geared Motor 100 RPM

Dual Shaft DC Geared Motor 100 RPM (BO Motor)

Rs. 51.00 Rs. 43.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts DC Motors Discount Sale Featured Products Latest Products Motors Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Robotics
Dual shaft geared motors are useful in robotics applications. Shaft on both sides allows the user to use a Wheel and an Encoder simultaneously....
L298N 2A Based Motor Driver Module L298N 2A Based Motor Driver Module

L298N 2A Motor Driver Module

Rs. 109.00 Rs. 89.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Latest Products Modules Motor Driver Modules Motor Drivers Motor Drivers Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano
A microcontroller that normally operates on 5V or 3.3V cannot be directly used to control a DC motor operating on higher voltage and current...

Metal Robot Chassis Body for 2 Wheel DIY Robot

Rs. 86.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts Featured Products Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Robotic Tools Robotic Tools Robotics
A well built, bright and attractive robotic chassis that can be used to built many different types of robots. The chassis can fit in...

Geared DC Motor Wheel (Pack of 2)

Rs. 38.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts DC Motors Featured Products Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Robotics
Mobile DIY projects like robots, project vehicles and mobile platforms require wheels in order to move from one place to another. These projects are...

9V Battery (Hi-Waote)

Rs. 19.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Batteries Featured Products Latest Products Non-Rechargeable Cells Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Power
Hi-Waote 9V Battery is the most commonly used and portable 9V battery. It is non-rechargeable and is a high capacity and low-cost solution for many electronic...

9V Battery Snap Connector

Rs. 7.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Battery Pack Accessories Featured Products Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Other Connectors
This is the 9V battery connector used with 9V high watt battery. This has two wires with standard color convention where black is ground...

Male to Male Connecting Wires / Jumper wires (Set of 10)

Rs. 12.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Jumper Wires Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Wires and Cables
This is a set of 10 rainbow color male to male jumper wires. They can be used for interconnecting electronic components on breadboard or berg strips. The...

Male to Female Connecting Wires / Jumper Wires (Set of 10)

Rs. 12.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Jumper Wires Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Wires and Cables
This is a set of 10 rainbow color male to female jumper wires. They can be used for interconnecting electronic components on breadboard or...
Starter Kit with UNO R3, Breadboard, LED, Resistor, Jumper Wires and Power Supply Based on Arduino - Build more than 10 DIY Projects Starter Kit with UNO R3, Breadboard, LED, Resistor, Jumper Wires and Power Supply Based on Arduino - Build more than 10 DIY Projects

Starter Kit with UNO R3, Breadboard, LED, Resistor, Jumper Wires and Power Supply Based on Arduino - Build more than 10 DIY Projects

Rs. 1,694.00 Rs. 969.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Components DIY Kits Featured Products Home page Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Robotics Temperature/Humidity Sensors
If you're new to Arduino and want to get started with it, a beginner's kit can be a great way to begin your journey....
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