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Raspberry Pi 5

Raspberry Pi 5 Model B - 4 GB RAM

Rs. 5,220.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards IoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required Components Raspberry Pi
Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5 Model, the latest release in the Raspberry Pi lineup. Offering a faster 2.4GHz Broadcom BCM2712 ARM Cortex-A76 CPU and...

Uno R3 CH340G ATmega328p Development Board - Compatible with Arduino (Without Cable)

Rs. 216.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Boards Compatible with Arduino Development Boards Discount Sale Featured Products IoT Project - Air Quality Monitoring using Arduino Latest Products Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano
UNO is the widely used microcontroller board for developing a different kind of projects and prototypes. This small development board has all the features...
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ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 WiFi Development Board ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 WiFi Development Board

ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 WiFi Development Board

Rs. 260.00 Rs. 229.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards ESP Series Development Boards IoT based Smart Irrigation System using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Soil Moisture Sensor - Required Components IoT Boards and Modules NodeMCU / ESP Wi-Fi Wireless
NodeMCU ESP8266 is an open-source Lua based firmware and development board specially targeted for IoT based applications. It includes firmware that runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC...
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Nano Clone Board Compatible with Arduino Nano R3 CH340 Chip Development Board - Compatible with Arduino (Without Cable)

Nano R3 CH340 Chip Development Board - Compatible with Arduino (Without Cable)

Rs. 168.00 (Exc. GST)
Boards Compatible with Arduino Development Boards
Nano is a small, breadboard-friendly development board based on an ATmega 328P/ATmega168 SMD package microcontroller and offers the same connectivity and specs of Arduino Uno...

MEGA 2560 R3 Development Board - Compatible with Arduino

Rs. 898.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Boards Compatible with Arduino Development Boards Discount Sale Featured Products Latest Products
The Mega 2560 is an open-source microcontroller board based on ATmega2560. Along with this, it also has 54 digital I/O pins, 16 Analog Inputs, 4...

Raspberry Pi 5 Model B - 8 GB RAM

Rs. 6,960.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Raspberry Pi
Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5 Model, the latest release in the Raspberry Pi lineup. Offering a faster 2.4GHz Broadcom BCM2712 ARM Cortex-A76 CPU and...

Raspberry Pi Pico - Original

Rs. 304.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Discount Sale Featured Products Latest Products Raspberry Pi
The first microcontroller board of Raspberry Pi is Raspberry Pi Pico that specially designed for physical computing. Raspberry Pi Pico is built using RP2040...

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 4 GB RAM

Rs. 4,700.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is a latest product from Raspberry Pi Foundation with an updated 64-bit quad core processor running at 1.4GHz with...

Raspberry Pi Zero W (Wireless) With in-built Wi-Fi and Bluetooth - Headerless

Rs. 1,300.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Raspberry Pi
At its core, the Raspberry Pi Zero W is a small but mighty computer that's capable of running full Linux operating systems, connecting to...

Raspberry Pi Pico W Original

Rs. 545.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Pico W has been designed to be a low cost yet flexible development platform for RP2040, with a 2.4GHz wireless interface and...
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Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 8 GB RAM Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 8 GB

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - 8 GB RAM

Rs. 8,245.00 Rs. 6,300.00 (Exc. GST)
Development Boards Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is a latest product from Raspberry Pi Foundation with an updated 64-bit quad core processor running at 1.4GHz with...
Professional Starter Kit with Uno, Sensors and Modules with Code and Schematics Based on Arduino Professional Arduino Starter Kit

Professional Starter Kit with Uno, Sensors and Modules with Code and Schematics Based on Arduino

Rs. 2,399.00 Rs. 1,919.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Development Boards DIY Kits Featured Products Latest Products Modules Robotics
This kit aims to get you started with electronics and enjoy programming through Arduino. The contents of the kit are well-planned to cover a maximum...
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