I2C Serial Interface LCD Adapter Module I2C Serial Interface LCD Adapter Module

I2C Serial Interface LCD Adapter Module

Rs. 64.00 Rs. 39.00 (Exc. GST)
Adapters All Products Communication Modules Discount Sale Featured Products Latest Products Modules
Commercially available LCD display modules like 16x2 LCD display and 20x4 LCD display are great to be used with a microcontroller like Arduino, Raspberry Pi,...
FT232RL USB to TTL 3.3V/5V FTDI Serial Adapter Module FT232RL USB to TTL 3.3V/5V FTDI Adapter Module

FT232RL USB to TTL 3.3V/5V FTDI Serial Adapter Module

Rs. 138.00 Rs. 92.00 (Exc. GST)
Adapters All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules
The FT232RL module is a small USB to TTL converter and used with different Arduino boards. The TTL is used to program Arduino boards. This has...
HW-770 Bluetooth 4.1 MP3 Decoder Module HW-770 Bluetooth 4.1 MP3 Decoder Module

XY-BT Bluetooth 4.1 MP3 Decoder Module - HW770 Mini Bluetooth Receiver

Rs. 106.00 Rs. 91.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Bluetooth Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules Wireless
The HW-770 Bluetooth 4.1 MP3 Decoder Module packs a lot of features into a small package. Supporting Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity, you'll get superior sound...
USB to TTL Converter with CH340G Chip CH340G USB to TTL Converter Module

CH340G USB to TTL Converter Module

Rs. 82.00 Rs. 58.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules
This is a USB–TTL converter based on CH340G USB to Serial TTL converter chip. The module can be used for 3.3V logic level signals,...
CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL Converter Module CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL Converter Module

CP2102 USB 2.0 to UART TTL Converter Module

Rs. 161.00 Rs. 124.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules
This USB to TTL adapter is based on the CP2102 USB to TTL serial converter IC. It is commonly used when microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, PIC...
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MAX3232 - RS232 to TTL Serial Port Converter Module RS232 to TTL Serial Port Converter Module

MAX3232 - RS232 to TTL Serial Port Converter Module

Rs. 56.00 Rs. 46.00 (Exc. GST)
Communication Modules Modules
AS most of our Microcontrollers (PIC/ARM/Atmel) operates on TTL/CMOS logic that is it communicates through either 0V or +5V, but our computers work with...

QIACHIP Wireless 433Mhz RF Module Receiver Remote Control Built-in Learning Code 1527

Rs. 119.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules Wireless
The QIACHIP Wireless 433Mhz RF Module Receiver makes controlling your devices easy. Its built-in Learning Code 1527 helps to ensure a reliably strong signal...

USB to RS485 Converter Adapter

Rs. 68.00 (Exc. GST)
Adapters All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules USB
RS485 is more industry-based communication which is developed for a network of multiple devices that can be used over long distances and at greater...
DTMF MT8870 Decoder Module DTMF MT8870 Decoder Module

DTMF MT8870 Decoder Module

Rs. 157.00 Rs. 81.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Audio Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules
The DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) decoder module is commonly used to control robots with a mobile phone, it is also used in different kinds of home automation...

MAX232 RS232/TTL Converter IC

Rs. 22.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules Featured Products ICs Latest Products Modules
MAX232 IC is a dual driver/receiver communication IC that converts voltage levels (0 to 5V) of a TTL device to their equivalent RS232 voltage...

MCP2515 CAN Bus Module Board

Rs. 108.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules Featured Products Latest Products Modules
CAN Communication Protocol is most used communication protocol used in the automotive systems where there are multiple components sending and receiving data simultaneously at...

TTGO T-Call ESP32 Sim800l Wireless Communication Module

Rs. 1,438.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Communication Modules ESP Series Development Boards Featured Products Latest Products Modules Wireless
The TTGO T-Call ESP32 Sim800l Wireless Communication Module provides reliable wireless communication for your projects. With its ESP32 microcontroller and Sim800l module, it offers...
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