Communication CablesDevelopment BoardsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsLatest ProductsPowerWires and Cables
This product is a standard USB to micro-USB cable that can be used to Power up a Raspberry Pi through our DC Power Adapter. This Raspberry Pi...
Camera ModulesDevelopment BoardsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsLatest ProductsModules
This is a Raspberry Pi camera module which is a portable light weight camera intended to be used with Raspberry Pi. The Pi Cam communicates with Raspberry Pi using...
All ProductsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsIR/Motion SensorsLatest ProductsModulesMotion/Tilt SensorsSensors
To ensure the safety and security of our homes or anywhere, it is essential we install alarm systems. Motion sensors are one of the...
BreadboardIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsIoT Project - Air Quality Monitoring using Arduino
A breadboard is the most commonly used tool when designing new circuits. This GL-12 Breadboard is a high-quality breadboard with 830 Points. The board...
All ProductsArduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & PartsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsIoT based Smart Irrigation System using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Soil Moisture Sensor - Required ComponentsJumper WiresLatest ProductsWires and Cables
This combo of breadboard wires is a must have, it has 10 male to male connecting wires and 10 female to male connecting wires that can help you in making all...
All ProductsComponentsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsIoT Project - Air Quality Monitoring using ArduinoLatest ProductsPassive ComponentsResistors
This is a set of 10, 1k ohm carbon film resistors with 1/4 Watt and 5% tolerance. Each resistor has strong leads and easy-to-read...
Development BoardsFeatured ProductsIoT Based Raspberry Pi Home Security System - Required ComponentsLatest ProductsRaspberry Pi
Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5 Model, the latest release in the Raspberry Pi lineup. Offering a faster 2.4GHz Broadcom BCM2712 ARM Cortex-A76 CPU and...