Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04

Ultrasonic Sensor Module - HC-SR04

Rs. 66.00 Rs. 53.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Distance Sensors Featured Products Latest Products Modules Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino Uno/Nano Sensors
The Ultrasonic Sensor uses Ultrasonic waves to determine the distance of an object like Bats, hence it can be used as a distance measuring...
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) - 5mm LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) - 5mm

LDR Sensor (Light Dependent Resistor) - 5mm

Rs. 6.00 Rs. 5.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required Components Components Featured Products Latest Products Light Sensors Passive Components Sensors
This is a LDR sensor with Two Cadmium Sulphide (cds) Photoconductive Cells and spectral responses similar to that of the human eye. The Cell...
LM393 Photoelectric Sensor Module LM393 Photoelectric Sensor Module

IR Sensor Module - LM393 Photoelectric Sensor Module

Rs. 30.00 Rs. 25.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products IR/Motion Sensors Latest Products Modules Sensors
Photoelectric sensor module is a sensor module which you can use to identify the distance between obstacles, identifying changes in surroundings etc. applications. It...

Soil Moisture Sensor Module

Rs. 38.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products IoT based Smart Irrigation System using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Soil Moisture Sensor - Required Components Latest Products Modules Rain/Soil Moisture Sensors Sensors Soil Sensors
The soil moisture sensor is commonly used in smart agriculture or other garden automation projects to measure the moisture content present in the soil....

IR Flame/Fire Sensor Module

Rs. 32.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot - Required Components & Parts Featured Products IR/Motion Sensors Latest Products Modules Sensors
This flame sensor or fire sensor module works on the concept that when a flame or fire is burning it emits IR signals. This...
Eye Blink Sensor with Goggles Eye Blink Sensor

Eye Blink Sensor with Goggles

Rs. 150.00 Rs. 131.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products IR/Motion Sensors Latest Products Sensors
Eye Blink Sensor is compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AVR, PIC. This Eye Blink sensor senses the eyeblink using infrared. The Variation Across the eye will...
LDR Sensor Module - Photosensitive Light Detection Sensor Module LDR Sensor Module - Photosensitive Light Detection Sensor Module

LDR Sensor Module - Photosensitive Light Detection Sensor Module

Rs. 33.00 Rs. 25.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Latest Products Light Sensors Modules Sensors
Ambient light sensing is a significant part of many applications like automatic street lights, solar panels charging controller, automatic irrigations systems where humidity and...
Dual Axis XY Joystick Module

Dual Axis XY Joystick Module

Rs. 40.00 Rs. 35.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Latest Products Modules Other Modules
This is a Dual Axis Joystick Module to measure position coordinates on the X and Y axis by moving the “hat”. Directional movements are...
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module

Rs. 84.00 Rs. 72.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Humidity Sensors Latest Products Modules Sensors Temperature/Humidity Sensors
DHT11 is a popular temperature and humidity based digital sensor. There is an upgraded version of the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor available, which...
MPU6050 Gyroscope Sensor MPU6050 Accelerometer Sensor

MPU6050 Gyroscope/Accelerometer Sensor

Rs. 113.00 Rs. 105.00 (Exc. GST)
Accelerometer and Gyro All Products Featured Products Latest Products
MPU6050 is intended towards low cost, low power and high performance demanding wearables, smartphones and tablets. It combines a MEMS 3 axis accelerometer and...
TEC1-12706 12V 92W Thermoelectric Peltier Cooler Module TEC1-12706 12V 92W Peltier Module

TEC1-12706 12V 92W Thermoelectric Peltier Cooler Module

Rs. 162.00 Rs. 158.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Latest Products Modules Other Modules
Thermoelectric Coolers, also known as TEC or Peltier Module creates a Temperature Differential on both sides i.e. it creates a cold side and a...

RC522 RFID 13.56MHZ Reader Writer Module / MFRC-522 reader with tag

Rs. 92.00 (Exc. GST)
All Products Featured Products Latest Products RFID Wireless
The Package includes a RC522 Reader/Write module with a RFID card and RFID keychain. The RC522 operates on 13.56MHz enabling two way (read and...
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