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The TIP127 Transistor is a silicon PNP Darlington transistor in a TO−220 type package designed for general purpose amplifier and low-speed switching applications. It...
All ProductsComponentsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsPowerTransistors
2SC5200 Transistor is an NPN Power Transistor manufactured by Toshiba. It has collector continuous current of 15A and a Collector-Emitter voltage of 230V. The...
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The 2SA1943 is a high power PNP Power transistor manufactured by Toshiba. It has a collector continuous current of 15A and a Collector-Emitter voltage...
All ProductsCounter & DecodersFeatured ProductsICsLatest ProductsLogic Gates
CD4040 is ripple-carry binary counters that features 12 stage, push-pull type, balanced outputs, with standard speed (tpd > 50ns). All counter stages are master-slave...
All ProductsFeatured ProductsICsLatest ProductsLogic Gates
The CD4027 is a Dual JK Flip Flop CMOS IC. It consist of two identical complementary-symmetry J-K master/slave flip-flops. Each flip-flop has its individual...