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PIC16F877A is the most commonly used entry-level 8-bit PIC Microcontroller. It is a 40-pin 8-bit Microcontroller with 14kB of program memory. It does not...
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The ATmega328-U is a low power and high performance 8-Bit AVR Microcontroller with advanced RISC Architecture. Features of ATmega328-U Microcontroller 32KB Flash High Endurance...
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The STM8S003F3 value line 8-bit microcontrollers offer 8 Kbytes of Flash program memory, plus integrated true data EEPROM. They are referred to as low-density...
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This is a minimum system breakout board for the Microcontroller STM8S105K4T6 by ST-Microelectronics. This is an 8-bit microcontroller which is a low cost and...
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The PIC16F628A microcontroller is an 18-pin microcontroller with 8-bit PIC Architecture. The controller has an in-built internal oscillator with 4MHz frequency and 128 bytes...
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If you are looking for a 16K bytes flash microcontroller unit, then the ATMEGA16A is a 16Kbit low power high-performance CMOS Microcontroller based on...
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ATMEGA32A is featuring 32KB self-programming flash program memory in it’s 40 pin, 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller from Atmel. It is a low power yet high...
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STM8S001J3M3 8-bit Microcontroller is a low cost and robust microcontroller offered by STMicroelectronics for systems where primary requirement is performance, robustness and low cost....