All ProductsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsPCBsSolderingSoldering Boards
In developing any Electrical and Electronics System we must first conceptualize and design the circuit and then go to testing and debugging only after...
All ProductsCharger ModulesFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsModules
This Qi Standard 5V wireless charging transmitter module is designed for effortless and efficient wireless charging for compatible devices. With its compact PCBA design,...
All ProductsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsLight SensorsModulesSensors
Ambient light sensing is a significant part of many applications like automatic street lights, solar panels charging controller, automatic irrigations systems where humidity and...
All ProductsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsMotorsServo Motors
This Tower Pro MG996R Digital Metal Gear High Torque Servo Motor (180 Degree Rotation) features metal gearing resulting in extra high 10kg stalling torque...
All ProductsESP Series Development BoardsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsModulesNodeMCU / ESPOther ModulesWi-Fi
The ESP32-DEVKITC Module Development Board Backboard is a versatile and durable platform designed to support the ESP32-DEVKITC development board. This backboard enhances the prototyping...
All ProductsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsTransistors
The Transistor Kit is a must-have assortment of 8 different Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) types, including both NPN and PNP transistors. With 50...
All ProductsArduino based Smart Blind Stick - Required ComponentsComponentsFeatured ProductsLatest ProductsPassive ComponentsResistors
This is a set of 10, 10K ohm carbon film resistors with 1/4 Watt and 5% tolerance. Each resistor has strong leads and easy-to-read color coding for breadboarding....